Heart surgery Room

Heart surgery

the heart surgery room includes two large-sized operating rooms independently located at the end of the eye, ear, throat, and nose operating rooms, which are exclusively equipped for heart surgery, with three heart pumps and Artificial lung (CPB), two balloon pump devices, and two cardiac anesthesia devices and a complete monitoring system to measure arterial pressure, central venous pressure (CVP), oxygen saturation, pump system pressure, and other open flap measurements. The oxygen delivery system is centralized and ventilation is established for the heart operating room, and it also has all the open heart surgery sets.

The other most important facilities are the personnel facilities that have a decisive role in the success of heart surgery, including the senior heart surgeon team, and the assistant heart surgeon (junior heart surgeon), Winist with thirty years of experience in saphenous vein removal in coronary bypass surgery, three people. Another surgeon's assistant during each operation, the anesthesia team includes a cardiac anesthesia specialist and two cardiac anesthesia experts in each operation, and the perfusionist team includes two perfusionists in each operation. One of the unique features of this center is that The surgical procedures, even the removal of the mammary artery (LIMA) are performed by the surgeon himself (Professor Masoumi).

At least two open heart surgeries are performed daily, with a success rate of nearly one hundred percent. Routine surgeries in this center include CABG, Bental, David, Florid sleeve for aortic aneurysms, valve procedures (MV repair, MVR, AVR...) and procedures for congenital patients, such as VSD, ASD, AV canal ..... (except for use in babies)

Room surgery